Corporate agriculture and other bad actors have begun gathering signatures to place an initiative on the November ballot. Officially called the “Water Infrastructure Funding Act of 2022,” its proponents call it “More Water Now.” Environmentalists call it “The Water Scam.”

The measure would require that 2% of state revenues (~$3.5 billion) annually be restricted for projects to increase state water supplies. While this might not sound like such a bad idea, it is. The “Water Scam” would fast-track environmentally harmful projects, such as the proposed Temperance Flat Dam on the San Joaquin River, with limited environmental review or oversight. There would be no distinction between funding for private versus public benefits, and funding would not require a demonstration of legal or financial feasibility.

The Bottom line is the Water Scam is corporate welfare at its worst. There are no cost-sharing requirements, breaking the “beneficiaries pay principle” long in place in California. The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office projects the initiative would ultimately cost California taxpayers more than $100 billion. That’s $3.5 billion per year that could not be used for state priorities, such as public health, wildfire response, public transportation, affordable housing, climate action or real workable water supply solutions.

What you can do:

1. Learn more about the campaign to Stop the Water Scam by visiting and registering for updates. Feel free to share this action alert!

2. Don’t sign the petition to qualify the initiative for the ballot, and encourage your friends to decline as well.

3. Encourage organizations you’re associated with to officially oppose the initiative.

4. Donate to the Stop the Water Scam campaign.

For more information, check out:

Column: This proposed ballot measure would make you pay for the ag industry’s water inefficiency
Editorial: Pull the plug on proposed California water ballot measure

The award-winning documentary “River’s End: California’s Latest Water War”

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